Postcards to the Universe with Melisa

Carolina Sotomayor - Fertility Reiki Womb Healer

Melisa Caprio Season 6 Episode 160

Carolina Sotomayor is a Fertility Reiki Womb Healer serving women who are trying to conceive. She is the founder of Make A Baby Membership, a monthly membership providing monthly live Reiki healing Zoom calls, Reiki guided meditations, pre-recorded healing modules and masterclasses. 


Carolina has personally coached and helped women all over the world with over 95 Reiki babies into the world. She is attuned to four different lineages of Reiki and is a proven medium connecting mom to their spirit babies. After conceiving her own son with Reiki, Carolina has been on a mission to help women conceive with energy healing and heal through pregnancy and postpartum.


“Becoming a certified Reiki practitioner transformed my life. Real-time healing made my anxiety manageable, and I couldn't keep this discovery to myself. I wanted other women to escape unnecessary suffering. So, I began offering Reiki, sharing the same healing that helped me conceive. It works! Now, we celebrate over 95 Reiki babies and counting.”

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